
세부분야 : 위성 및 위성활용
Major : Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Aerospace Systems
Lab. : Avionics Laboratory
Office : 301-1321
Phone : 02-880-1912
Website : http://gnss.snu.ac.kr
Email : kee@snu.ac.kr
- · 1984.2 Seoul National University, Aerospace Eng, Bs degree
- · 1986.2 Seoul National University, Aerospace Eng, Ms degree
- · 1994.1 Stanford University, Aerospace Eng, Ph.D.
- · 1996.09~2000.09 Assistant professor, Seoul National University, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- · 2000.10~2006.09 Associate professor, Seoul National University, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- · 2006.10~Present Professor, Seoul National University, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests
Research area includes GNSS based positioning, navigation and timing, UAV, cube satellite, and smart land vehicle. Practical applications as well as core algorithms of GNSS augmentation system such as WADGPS (Wide-Area Differential GPS) and WARTK (Wide-Area Real Time Kinematic) for cm-level accuracy, are being developed. Also hardware and software GNSS receiver are developed and used in indoor navigation system and in development of the future navigation system. We demonstrated a single GPS antenna based UAV attitude determination and control system 1st in the world, and pseudolite-based indoor navigation system 2nd in the world. Research on drone and land vehicle navigation system for urban area using GPS/INS integration is currently conducted, and also SNUGLITE, a cube satellite, is being built in the lab and will be launched in 2018.